This was my full moon view this past weekend. A full weekend of family and a first family vacation at that. We set out for the depths of the wilderness and found what was to be expected, so much quiet & room to gain the gratitude of what we are. We are all beings of such wholeness, everything here that we need.
Inevitably we fall away from this notion but hopefully can be reminded of our love, our true nature.
I was reminded by a friend that our life’s pain allows for greater joy. And for those of you who have been sifting in the gray for some time like myself know that there is beauty right there and this too shall pass baby.
I write this as I’m sipping a glass of red and flying off to Salt Lake City to fill my soul with the natural worlds ultimate healer, dōTERRA’s essential oils! Stepping away from my baby for the first time and seeing so much light in what this space will bring. Already allowed for the tears and perhaps there are more to come. But, please be ready... I know I was made ready for what’s next as I am healing, growing and I will be more than ready to share with you what is to come of all of this!!! And yes there is an oil for that.
Mama blend: whisper blend or my weekly favorite to handle these emotions, patchouli.
#whatsyourremedy#naturalhealing #simplife #slowliving #naturalworld #space #quiet #family#mamabear #takecare #love #heal#truesoul #adventures #getoutside#babblingbrook #hammondshill #ithaca#sweetbabyofmine #doterra #essentialoils#convention #theresanoilforthat