Charlotte Rose turns five. I scroll through old photos of her and find myself all teary eyed. It’s bittersweet. Where has the time gone? I can’t help but take on some of her big day for my own big celebration. She made me Mama. I just don’t think you can top that gift in this lifetime.
I remember each morning Zack and I would wake up with newborn Charlotte between us in bed. We were transfixed on her every move. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that each new day she would learn something new. We as parents would be given the chance to witness it. Everyday for her entire life will be fresh and new. And we really get to keep her! That took months to sink in.
Five whole years have passed, enough for her to make an imprint as a powerful being in a little string bean body. I see her reflecting what I attempt to model for her. She allows for my mistakes and pleas of forgiveness even follows it up with a hug and kiss to console me. She unapologetically wears the full rainbow of expressions on her sleeve, oh does it humble me. She is ever so generous with her affection. We all know her voice and command for the leadership role. She is big sister after all and a very helpful one at that... maybe not when asked to help out but most definitely when she comes up with the idea.
Charlotte has always been my little farmhand. She is rough and ready for anything in her fanciest dress, potentially a white purse on her hip, and barefoot over shoes any day. She sticks to my hip in the kitchen always asking to assist in our homecooked meals. She may trail away at some point to create her epic fairy houses, they will show up one day. Forest School has been a place to see her thrive, learn to co-exist for others and almost always found with her pack of lady friends. She is my storyteller, the jokester and one day said to become a professional artist.
She is quite the conversationalist whether it be around the kitchen table, in the car or anywhere… the girl talks. I’m infatuated with her confidence. I get to find out more and more each and every day. It never gets old but calls for a second cup of coffee.
I want to capture this exact moment in time, with her. I hope that I don't diminish any bit of what she already is but if anything give space for her to be. I am working on my ways, or should I say flaws, so I can show up more fully as her Mama. She gives me so much and together we learn and grow, learn and grow.
Happy Birthday dear Charlotte, everyday is more exciting with you in it.
Mama loves you so. Here is to five!
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